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Due to the concerns about the Coronavirus the Annual Awards Dinner as been has postponed the to June 20, 2020


The Graycliff
122 Moonachie Avenue, Moonachie, NJ 07074

Come join us for our 29th Annual Awards and Recognition Dinner at The Graycliff. As usual, there will be cocktails, DJ, Door Prizes, Viennese Room and plenty of dancing! All tickets must be purchased on or before June 1, 2020. If you an Active, or Associate member, tickets are $125 per person. To purchase tickets, please click here. If you are a non-member, tickets are $140.00 per person. To purchase non-member tickets, please click here. Please note, there are no refunds.

Awards Recommendation!
We are accepting nominations for officers who have gone above and beyond for the year 2019. Recommending a candidate does not guarantee award recognition. Please download the form here and email to us.

Thank you. Please email, call or fax with any questions.

Fax: 908-688-4230